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4月 25 2022

媒体咨询: TC Energy 和 GreenGasUSA announce strategic 协作 for development of renewable natural gas transportation hubs

休斯顿, 4月25日, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -媒体咨询- TC能源公司(TSX, 纽约证券交易所股票代码:TRP) (TC Energy), 北美领先的能源基础设施公司, 和 GreenGasUSA, 可再生天然气(RNG)价值链关键资产的所有者和运营商, have announced a strategic 协作 to explore development of a network of natural gas transportation hubs, 包括提高. These transportation hubs would provide centralized access to existing energy transportation infrastructure for renewable natural gas sources, 比如农场, 污水处理设施及堆填区.

作为合作的一部分, GreenGasUSA将发起RNG, 有机物分解后的产物是什么, 将天然气调整到管道质量,并将其运输到RNG枢纽. 这得益于与TC能源公司签订的天然气运输合同. TC能源将建设, 拥有并经营RNG运输枢纽, developing critical steps towards the acceleration of methane capture projects 和 thus the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. TC能源在美国运输RNG的经验.S. 日期至2005年. 目前在TC能源公司的美国有10个RNG互连.S. 天然气 footprint with plans to rapidly exp和 和 provide more capability before the end of the year.


  • 通过为RNG开发商提供具有成本效益的市场准入,减少温室气体排放
  • 促进各种沼气资源公平参与可再生能源市场
  • 以天然气和可再生能源为重点,提高能源弹性和独立性
  • 为客户提供更创新的解决方案, 经济可行性和碳中和能源机会

Combining TC Energy’s vast energy distribution network with GreenGasUSA’s extensive experience in gas compression, compressed natural gas (CNG) transportation 和 pipeline injection is expected to further increase methane capture 和 increase the use of renewable fuels within the energy mix. These transportation hubs are expected to be under development in several states along TC Energy’s 32,U 700英里.S. 未来四年内天然气管道系统. 第一个枢纽计划于2023年第二季度投入使用.

“随着我们不断为当前和未来的客户寻找创新的能源解决方案, we value strategic 协作 opportunities like this one with GreenGasUSA to transport renewable natural gas,Stanley G说。. Chapman III, TC Energy的执行副总裁兼美国总裁.S. & 墨西哥天然气. “We have embraced the growing role of RNG in our industry 和 continue to explore ways to optimize our existing U.S. 管道系统协作、安全、可持续.”

“我们很高兴与TC能源合作开发这些RNG枢纽,马克·费顿说, GreenGasUSA的老板. “These are key steps to making the planet greener by connecting sources of renewable gas to energy consumers that are serious about decarbonization 和 displacing fossil fuels.”

全球十大赌博靠谱平台TC Energy
我们是一个7人的团队,000+能源问题解决者工作搬迁, 产生和储存北美所依赖的能源. 今天,我们正在采取行动,使这种能源更可持续、更安全. 我们正在创新和现代化,以减少我们业务的排放. 和, we’re delivering new energy solutions – from natural gas 和 renewables to carbon capture 和 hydrogen – to help other businesses 和 industries decarbonize too.

TC Energy’s common shares trade on the Toronto (TSX) 和 New York (NYSE) stock exchanges under the symbol TRP. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 TCEnergy.com.

This release contains certain information that is forward-looking 和 is subject to important risks 和 uncertainties (such statements are usually accompanied by words such as "anticipate", “期望”, “相信”, “可能”, “会”, “应该”, “估计”, “意图”或其他类似的词). Forward-looking statements in this document are intended to provide TC Energy 证券交易委员会urity holders 和 potential investors with information regarding TC Energy 和 its subsidiaries, including management's assessment of TC Energy's 和 its subsidiaries' future plans 和 financial outlook. All forward-looking statements reflect TC Energy's beliefs 和 assumptions based on information available at the time the statements were made 和 as such are not guarantees of future performance. 由于实际结果可能与前瞻性信息有很大差异, you should not put undue reliance on forward-looking information 和 should not use future-oriented information or financial outlooks for anything other than their intended purpose. 我们不会因新信息或未来事件而更新我们的前瞻性信息, 除非法律要求. 有关所作假设的更多资料, 和 the risks 和 uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ from the anticipated results, refer to the most recent Quarterly Report to 股东 和 Annual Report filed under TC Energy’s profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com 和美国.S. 美国证券交易委员会 www.证券交易委员会.政府.


403-920-7859 or 800-608-7859

投资者 & 分析师的调查:
Gavin Wylie / Hunter Mau
403-920-7911 or 800-361-6522

PDF可用: http://ml.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/1b2f8b9c-bd97-44f1-b869-331bfe2c7c22